The Board of Directors of the Institute of Industrial Projects is already in place. The act of taking office was led by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of ENDIAMA- EP, Ganga Júnior, at a ceremony held on Wednesday 17th in Catoca Village, Saurimo- Lunda Sul province.
On the occasion, Ganga Júnior considered the creation of INPROITEC to be a great achievement for the Angolan mining sector.
“The aim is to have the mining industry more structured, with a view to better achieving our objectives. We feel that we should have a new internal embryo, in order to carry out the most diverse studies, projects that lead to the creation of strong mining companies,” he said.
Taking office were Marçal Vigário (PCA), Manuel Simão dos Santos (Vice-PCA) Ady Dias Van-Dúnem and João Penito (Non-Executive Directors), who pledged to work “hard” to achieve the objectives set by the sector.
The Instituto de Projectos Industriais aims to create greater strength in the mining sector, strengthening the development of local capacity to structure and implement the development of industrial projects, with the guidance and support of the Executive, more specifically the supervisory bodies.
