The aptitude exams for candidates for full scholarships at ENDIAMA’s Technical-Vocational Training Center (CEFOPE) ended on Monday, May 20th, in the municipality of Lucapa, Lunda-Norte province.
According to the coordinator of the Joint Technical Commission, Felizardo Muacefo, the award of the scholarships is a response to one of the points contained in the agreement signed between ENDIAMA and a group of former workers from the five paralyzed mining companies, namely SML, LUARICA, LUXINGE, FUCAUMA and YETWENE.
Some 63 candidates signed up, but only 43 turned up to take the aptitude exam for the technical and vocational training scholarship at the center.
The test was marked and the results published the same day at the Lucapa Polytechnic Institute, and 25 of the 43 candidates were admitted.
The results are on display at the same institute, where the young candidates can check their scores.
The committee set up to correct the exams was made up of Henriques Capitão (ENDIAMA), Marcolino Katandi (CEFOPE) and Baptista Tunganeno (former workers’ committee).
