
ENDIAMA intends to consolidate training cooperation with SENAI


The Administrator for Legal Affairs and Human Resources, Osvaldo Van-Dúnem, who led the CEFOPE caravan in signing the protocol between ENDIAMA’s Vocational Training Center and the National Service for Industrial Training of the Regional Department of Minas Gerais of Brazil has recently expressed in Belo Horizonte the unequivocal desire of the National Diamond Company of Angola to keep and consolidate the relationship of cooperation between the two institutions.

Osvaldo Van-Dúnem considered it a cause for rejoicing that he had visited a significant part of the establishments of SENAI, an institution recognized worldwide in the field of technical-vocational training, and noted that the signing of this protocol materializes an important step towards strengthening institutional cooperation and augurs that it will become solid.

He emphasized, on the other hand, that the permanent search for dynamic partnerships with other international counterparts is an imperative to guarantee the success of the action developed by CEFOPE.

The representative of the National Service for Industrial Training of the Regional Department of Minas Gerais of Brazil, Flávio Nogueira, showed himself also satisfied for having been chosen as a partner in this relationship and promised to work hard not to disappoint the expectations created around the mentioned cooperation protocol.

SENAI is a technical-vocational training institution in Latin America, founded in 1942, with the objective of ensuring the specialized technical training of human resources for the Brazilian mining industry.

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