Divided into two sessions (morning and afternoon), for top and middle leaders and senior technicians from the main institutions and companies in the Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas sector, the Conference was animated by the “gurus” of Organizational Management Sciences and Human Capital Management, Idalberto Chiavenato and Luiz Filipe Pondé.
Benedito Paulo Manuel, chairman of the Management Board of Catoca, the organization responsible for the conference, said in his introductory note that “all training puts man on the road to development”.
Pondé, the first to speak, pointed out that “we are in the era of (permanent) modernization and this is shaking up tradition, removing people who don’t fit in from the processes”. The professor, who was speaking and giving examples, also spoke about the importance of social media, which “can put the sovereignty of states at risk, because,” he argued, “they are capable of destroying the social and reputational credibility of institutions, if they create an unfavorable state of opinion with the capillarization of content.
As a philosopher who is attentive to social transformations, he explored the relationship between the number of children per woman versus social occupation and career, concluding that “the busier a woman is, the less she tends to procreate”.
Chiavenato, assisted by his son who runs the Institute that bears his name, presented the Master Class – Strategic Planning. Some of the new ideas stand out: Innovation and the future are at the heart of contemporary people; organizations must have “strategists” who look ahead, and flexibility and adaptability to the times ahead are of the utmost importance for organizations and people.
Taking advantage of the presence of Minister Diamantino Azevedo, the media asked him about the importance of leadership today, and he assured that “leadership issues are extremely important for governance, companies and other institutions that provide public services”. As he closed, he reiterated his appeal to the younger people he wants to be more informal and talk to each other more, “not least because many have been exposed to environments outside the country, many have studied at major universities”.