


In the framework of the national culture preservation and valorization, the Sociedade Mineira de Catoca, with the Lunda-Norte, Lunda-Sul and Moxico provincial governments support will perform the Traditional Music and Dance Festival 1st Edition; this event will take place on the 25th of June, in the city of Dundo with the participation of groups representing the three Eastern Angolan provinces, namely, Lunda-Norte, Lunda Sul and  Moxico.

This event, of a particular importance in the recovery, preservation, and valorization of the national culture, mainly in the Eastern Angolan region, is non-competitive and will have an annual periodicity, and will also serve to stimulate and promote the work of the artisans in the traditional music and dance areas. According to Eng. Pedro Capumba, a representative of the Sociedade Mineira de Catoca and project coordinator, this festival serves to reassert the Sociedade Mineira de Catoca contribution to the social development.

“We believe that in this way, the Sociedade Mineira de Catoca is contributing to recover, preserve and valorize the national culture by also promoting the cultural dialog between the different generations. And we do this because we believe that our cultural, family, social roots are characteristics making us apart from others and that give us our identity as a people, a nation, having an important influence over the social development”, said Eng. Pedro Capumba.

The Traditional Music and Dance Festival, at the Eastern Angola level, counts on the important support by the Lunda Norte, Lunda Sul and Moxico provincial governments and aims at becoming a reference in terms of cultural events in the Country with the potential to attract participants from all parts of Angola and, most probably, from other Sub-Saharan Africa countries, mainly from border countries.

The Moxico province will be represented by the groups Komokenu, Hatchilimwene, and Habiude Mãe Grande. Lunda Sul will be represented by the Tchako Tchyetu-Luari, Komokenu-Muconda Group, the Makopo-Dala, and Lunda Norte has as its representatives the groups Akishi tchyanda, Seha wesseke and Group Tchako tchyetu tcha utchikwe. In all, a 108 performers participation is planned, distributed in nine groups, representing the three provinces. To attend the festival, an amount of around one thousand spectators can count on a place prepared to this end with free entrance.

Imprensa Endiama



Brilhante Foundation associated to the 1st of June celebrations


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