
Angola holds 2nd International Diamond Conference


Attracting the interest of large and medium-sized diamond companies to our country, which could result in more investment and consequent job creation, is the aim of the 2nd International Diamond Conference of Angola, AIDC, which will take place in Saurimo, Lunda Sul, from October 23rd to 24th this year.

The Secretary of State for Mineral Resources launched the AIDC-2024 on Friday, August 30, in Luanda, and said that businesspeople and delegations from Africa, Europe, Asia and America would be taking part.

“We have invited African countries with experience in diamond mining, as well as those from Europe and America with experience in diamond mining and marketing,” said Jânio Corrêa Victor, who was flanked by ENDIAMA’s administrator, Ana Feijó, and José das Neves, from SODIAM, the public companies taking care of the material aspects of the conference, whose motto is ‘Angola: investing together to make a difference in the community’. Minister Diamantino Azevedo will open the event.

AIDC-2024: Launch press conference takes place tomorrow


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